Monday, April 16, 2007

Pining for the Fjords

If your not familiar with the comedy that is Monty Python, then you wont appreciate my title. If you do, then well done. Above is the Princess of Norway leaving North Shields ferry terminal an hour late a few weeks back. Im off on her tomorrow for a few days on a trip to Bergen, via Stavenger and, of course, the Fjords. I find these "minicruises " too cheap (3 nights for £ 50 with breakfast - its cheaper than the train home!) to resist, and of course theres the excuse its marine engineering related for my studies. I may get some nice shots in Norway to share on my return, if final months of degree madness allow time for such.
Anyway, the "Princess" has got around a bit. Built in Germany in the 80s, then sold to spend the 90s plying the waters between Melbourne and Tasmania in the Southern Hemisphere, and now back to Northern Europe. Think of all the people off Neighbours who have been to Tazzy- maybe if Paul had organised his Lassiters party on the boat instead of that plane, all those people wouldn't have died in the crash, or maybe Robert would have bombed the ship, she would have endured a long painful sinking, Paul would have got mangled by the propellers, and i wouldn't be able to go to Bergen.

Here she is in her former Guise last year before she got a paint job. Although the above shot is quite dull and dark, i like it, kinda atmospheric.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Wild life

Back in Preston for Easter, so an afternoon ramble in the countryside was called for. Spring must be in the air as these 2 pheasants were have a bit of a ruckus, probably fighting over some eligible lady pheasant (much like drunk lads in a club one could say). Anyway it was quite entertaining so fired a few shots off and combined 4 of them them into the above flapping of feathers. Enjoy.